PowerISO is a full featured software for burning CD/DVD which will let you to perform lots of actions apart from the main one.
It supports most of the image formats used nowadays (ISO, DAA, NRG, BIN, MDF, BWI, CDI, etc...), PowerISO joins several tools which allow the user to manage their images as they want.
Thanks to PowerISO you'll be bale to create and burn images, edit them by adding or removing files, and even convert the image format.
In addition, the software includes the possibility of creating up to 8 virtual drives, so will not need to spend any money on empty CD/DVDs.
And if the file is too big, we will be able to divide it, so it can enter in 2 or more CD/DVDs.
For me, the most important feature of PowerISO is its ability to create virtual drives, which means I can use DVD images without even burning the DVD, and it works wonderfully. I love it. It also crea...See more